Life coach? Yes, please!

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There definitely is a need to talk a little about the wonders of life coaching, especially if you’re a first-timer.  I have had some folks admit that when it comes to life coaching, they’re not sure exactly what this is and how it can help. In this post, I give a quick explanation.  I also include a video where Oprah Winfrey talks about what she learned from a life coach.  Here are some thoughts from me to you:

Dear Life Boss,

It is pretty common to hear about the importance of using strategy in business.  Strategy in politics and even in sports. But what about using strategy in life. When it comes to life so many of us will take on an “I can do it all”, “I don’t need anyone”, “I’m so strong” mentality for life challenges. This kind of thinking can often leave us stuck or going in circles around our problems.  In most circumstances talking with family or friends will yield pretty good results, a warm embrace,  or even a really good laugh to put our mind at ease. However, sometimes there is a need to go beyond advice from family and friends. A need for an unbiased listening ear, in such cases a need for a life coach.  If you’ve never had life coaching, you’re probably wondering what a life coach is and how it works. You may even have questions about differences between life coaching and therapy. So let’s level set…

In life coaching, people receive guidance and motivation to achieve  their desired life goals and outcomes. You’ll be asked to grapple with some intentional questions to help clearly identify what you want and how to get it done. Using the present as a starting point, life coaching sets you on a path forward to life satisfaction and improved well being. 

On the other hand, a therapist has a clinical background and provides psychotherapy. Therapy is a clinical approach that usually involves digging deeply into one's past to identify pathologies and to solve any problems from a mental health standpoint. 

Depending upon your needs you may find that life coaching, therapy or a combination of the two is the best option to achieve clarity and to reach your goals.  With busy schedules and multiple priorities, life coaching can offer dedicated time and space for you to create a life you want.  Also, some of the worlds greatest leaders can attest to the amazing work that happens when working with a life coach

Crafting a life you love takes intention, meaningful connections, and strategy.  If you’re ready to move past being stuck and move onward to fulfillment and purpose, let’s chat soon...So...what are you waiting for? 

Remember... boldly share your gifts with the world!

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