The‌ ‌Journey‌


With our lives in “rush” mode, we often miss moments that make up the highs and lows of our experiences. In this post I talk about noticing the journey. Here are some thoughts from me to you.

Dear Life Boss,

I am reminded of a time a while ago when my youngest son was excited about going on a field trip.  After school, he rushed into my arms as always and was telling me about the permission slip that needed to be signed, immediately.  We get home, I sign the paper and learn that he and his classmates are going to the museum. I think to myself, this is wonderful, there is so much to see, so much to learn and wonderful exhibits.  So the field trip comes and goes, he says it was great and doesn’t really mention much about it. Then a couple of weeks later, I stumbled upon a journal prompt where he was asked by his teacher to talk about his most favorite and  enjoyable thing about the field trip. Super intrigued, I pick up the paper in high anticipation of all the things he’s going to share. Well to my surprise, he wrote about his absolute most favorite thing about the field trip being the bus ride. It was the bumping ride and laughter and sitting next to friends that was the highlight of the trip.  Then it dawned on me that sometimes it’s the journey not always the destination, that provides pivotal moments in our lives

What have you journeyed through?

Sometimes we can be in such a rush to reach milestones, being first to win the award, getting the promotion, starting the business, finishing school, that the seemingly small moments become a complete blur.  A blur that is worth thinking about and reflecting upon. A blur that is filled with lessons to make us stronger. What has been your journey? What led you to this point? What conversations were had that helped you to overcome or triumph?  What inspired you to keep going?

Just like the bus ride, the journey can be filled with highs and lows, laughter and closeness with friends and loved ones.  Although these journeys can vary from enjoyable to downright hurtful, they do however, contribute to a larger picture. A picture filled with some good, some bad, some wonderful and even some sorrow all knitted together for your unique experiences. Rather than rushing from point to point, use these moments as fuel for a relentless pursuit of what lights you up.  Use the journey to realize the very best of yourself as you set out to live your most beautiful expressive life.

Remember... boldly share your gifts with the world!

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