Permission to be First


Messaging for girls and women takes place very early in life.  How to sit, talk, share, be silent, follow, or even how to lead all come with societal expectations. In this post, I share insights on taking care of self and not feeling guilty for it.  Here are some thoughts from me to you:

Dear Life Boss,

I’m often bothered by the unfair pressures and odds stacked against us as women.  We are socialized from a very early age with messages that compel us to put on a cape and bear the weight of the world on our shoulders.  Even if we have positive images of womanhood and fierce femininity it is often countered by societal norms and expectations. Once we sign up for the career, the family, or business venture somehow a life that is balanced with time for self and much-needed rest is marginalized.  

The notion of permission is one I’ve grappled with because, for one, how is it as a grown adult that I'm needing permission to make sure that I’m okay.  When did we get to a point, that conversations rest upon defending the need to say no to others in hopes of saying yes to ourselves? So I ask, what will you say yes to?  Will you make time to plan that much-needed vacation? Will you commit to working out and reaching major health goals?  How about catching up with friends and having actual conversations with others? Whatever it is, it’s okay to make moves towards a better you. 

The fact of the matter is, it's okay to put yourself first. It’s okay to check in with yourself and make some adjustments for your wellness and sanity.  If you take time to go for a walk or lose yourself in a good book, the world around you will be just fine. Making sure that you’re at your best is not selfish, rather it’s essential in order to give life to the roles and responsibilities you have.

Today and beyond, my deepest hope for you is that you unapologetically create and maintain time for your reflection and rest.  I want you to say yes to a version of you that moves with intention and purpose for your most wanted self.

Remember...boldly share your gifts with the world!

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