About Me…


Born in TN with southern soul and roots, raised in Denver, CO with mountainous views and lots of sunshine. I’ve grown comfortable with my audacity to dream, to hope and to wonder.  I’m quite passionate, constantly scribbling goals and “aha” moments in my journal and on piles of sticky notes, believing that no matter what...I can, I will, I do live a life of purpose.

I’m a daughter, sister, mother and friend. I love a hot cup of green tea and I adore a yummy brunch and park hopping with my kiddos.  I’ve felt the wave of warm good feelings when things work out way better than expected. And I’ve also felt the soul gripping stillness as things were seemingly crumbling.  I’ve learned to view these moments as gifts, as a way to see my resilience and sheer tenacity to overcome, to triumph and to pull through. To point me in the direction of faith, gratitude, and reflection

A few years ago, a profound question was posed to me while having a birthday meal with my dad.  He asked me, “Candice, what would you tell your younger self?” “What advice would you give her?” I looked away and stared seriously...and then turned back with surety and said, “I’d tell her, to take that leap, to go for it, to make your dreams come true.” You see, I didn’t want to look back on my life with regret and unattempted dreams and goals. I didn’t want to face myself and say, “if only you had tried.”

So now to you. 

I know that feeling of paralyzing fear from not having all the answers and wading through confusion and ambiguity.  I know that noise of doubt and whining false thoughts of not being good enough. The fact is, you are absolutely the best person to be you.  There is no one on the planet that can succeed at being you, better than yourself.  So your gifts, goals, dreams are yours for the taking, because, guess what? Only you can realize the life that is meant for  you to live. There are unique capabilities, quirks, style, ideas all wrapped up into the glorious YOU. Don’t you think it's time to live your life celebrated? In case you’ve forgotten, I’m here to remind you of the greatness that lies within. I’m here to say, “You can absolutely do it!” I would love to come alongside you in the pursuit of shaping a life you want and love, a life where you are noticed, appreciated and valued for making your marvelous mark on this world.

You are a star.

With a ton of optimism,


Be a Life Boss.™